Tuesday, December 15, 2009


This is my "today" revelation. Okay, I've known it for awhile now... but haven't wanted to admit it :) Consistent with my "choleric" nature, relationship/relating is not as natural for me as most people think it is. I'd much rather "do" anything that can be done perfectly. Obviously relationship isn't ever "done" and isn't ever "perfect". Those 2 reasons are good enough for me to just leave that mess alone right there... but no, it's actually a commandment: to Love God first and then to love others. I think that pretty much spells out *voice of God saying* "YOU MUST HAVE RELATIONSHIP". Eeeeek. Lots of room in there for failure, in my opinion. Lot's of room in there for amazing growth, however painful it may be for some (like me! lol). I think what I'm even more specifically talking about with relationship and journey is really my relationship with God Himself. I'm learning that the only way I can grow in relationship with God (Father God in this instance) is by sowing time and effort into knowing Him. It's really uncomfortable for me, I get pretty squirmy when I try to sit still and search to "know" Him. I guess I'm pretty comforted by Jesus' example of relating to the Father. For me, a good scriptural point of reference is John 17, although there's many of other examples. It's crazy to me... Jesus, who Himself is God in the flesh and is the light that Radiates from the Throne to earth in human form(the brightness of the Father's glory), yet still communicates with the Father through words (prayers). He actually prays and spends time communing with the version of Himself that resides in heaven and in unapproachable light. This really encourages me. See, I know that Jesus came to redeem me to God by His blood... but I also know that He came that He would leave an indelible imprint upon the heart of everyone who ever met Him or read/heard His Word. The imprint of "how to" know God, "how to" be a child of God, "how to" know love, and "how to" love. All very important, I think.

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